M·CAM | NPR Reports: “How The Supreme Court Could Reshape The Tech Patent Landscape”
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NPR Reports: “How The Supreme Court Could Reshape The Tech Patent Landscape”

Date:  Fri, 2014-05-02

NPR Reports, “A California jury is deliberating a major lawsuit between tech titans Apple and Samsung. Apple is suing Samsung for patent infringement and asking for a whopping $2 billion in damages. But even if Apple prevails in this case, later this year the Supreme Court could undermine the victory by calling Apple’s patents and thousands of others into question.”

M·CAM’s Dr. David Martin was interviewed for the story:

“There have been countless ways in which that has been done ”” not only over the last several decades, but quite frankly the idea of settling up accounts and confirming order and fulfillment is actually something that’s been done probably as long as humans have traded,” he says. What is significant about this case, Martin says, is that there are thousands of patents like this ”” someone has an old idea and says he has a way to do it on a computer or over the Internet. Martin says many small tech companies were encouraged by investors to patent as much as they could. “Somehow or another more patents means you’re going to be of greater value to the ultimate acquirer, be it Twitter or Facebook or Google or Apple or whoever else,” Martin says.”

Read the full article: HERE

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