M·CAM | M-ICP, ECRC, EBI Think Tank and BTIC formed an Open Alliance
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M-ICP, ECRC, EBI Think Tank and BTIC formed an Open Alliance

Date:  Mon, 2010-08-23

M–ICP, ECRC, EBI Think Tank and BTIC formed an Open Alliance

23 August, 2010 –– Leadership of M–ICP, Economic Competitiveness Policy and Research Center (ECRC), EBI Think Tank and Business Talent Incubator Center (BTIC) formed an Alliance. The goal of forming this Alliance is to advocate and promote innovation, increased access to global technologies, creation of enabling environment for strategic innovation, innovation financing and innovation commercialization for prosperity and sustainable development.

Economic Competitiveness Policy and Research Center was founded in 2010 with the primary goal of producing Mongolia Competitiveness Report jointly with World Competitiveness Center in Switzerland.

EBI Think Thank – not for profit, non–partisan NGO founded in 2008 with the mission to discover, develop and support intellectual entrepreneurs.

Business Talant Incubator Center (BTIC) established in 2006 and is one of successful Business Incubator Centers in Mongolia. BT promotes new business initiatives and provides comprehensive business start–up services to its clients.

Visit http://www.m-icp.com/ for more information.

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