CIT offers Intellectual Property Tool to Clients
Hampton Roads Technology Incubator: May Newsletter May, 2002 Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) is offering an advanced Intellectual Property (IP) management tool, M·CAM DOORS™. M·CAM, a Charlottesville-based company, is providing this resource to CIT in appreciation of a 1998 CIT Innovations Award grant, which assisted M·CAM in the early development of the M·CAM DOORS™ patent analysis system. M·CAM DOORS™ is a powerful web-based IP analysis tool mining current US Patent database information. Limited patent search information is available through the Virginia Patent Search system ( The system, powered by M·CAM, provides state economic development officials, university researchers, and private sector businesses and entrepreneurs with easy access to relevant information on patent assets in the state’s universities and laboratories. The complete M·CAM DOORS™ resource will be housed at the Virginia Tech Center for Information Retrieval, Analysis and Management (IRAM), located in Blacksburg. Virginia companies and entrepreneurs interested in using the M·CAM DOORS™ should contact a CIT regional director. Those who particularly stand to benefit from utilizing the M·CAM DOORS™ service include: patent prosecutors, patent attorneys, IP managers, and IP consultants.
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